Monday, 11 December 2017

Corryhabbie Hill

I was staying with my grandfather in Macduff the previous evening on an Aiberdeenshire present drop. With my folks not expecting me until the afternoon of the next day, I had chosen to nip over to Glen Fiddich and take in Corryhabbie Hill. I didn't fancy the walk over the farmland from the West so opted for a longer walk/run from the Cabrach road. Probably wise since there was a tonne of snow in Glen Fiddich further up. I had forgotten my head torch so as I rolled up at 0600, I was solely dependent on the super-moon, which did a grand job of illuminating the way up and down to the abandoned buildings of Glen Fiddich estate. What a pity they have been left to ruin by the London-based land owner, Christopher Moran. According to his profile, he has 'a passion for national and built heritage'. Obvious balderdash. I headed through the dilapidated state and began the walk up the track to Morton's Way. At approximately 400m, the snow became quite deep so it took me a wee while to wend my way round to the path proper. I surprised a gentleman and his two dugs who were out early. I began the final approach along the plateau and the sun began to break over Cook's Cairn to the East. It was bitterly cold at the top and I didn't hand around. I descended steeply down into Glen Fiddich and ran most of the way back. A good 24km run taking approximately 3.5 hours.