Monday 18 March 2024

Sgorr na Diollaid

First proper hill since I’d had the hernia repair end of January. While I was confident I’d have the fitness for this relatively short excursion, I was conscious of snow-clad hills and late start. The long drive into Glen Cannich took me a few hours. I eventually parked, changed and got going was 3pm. So, I didn’t want to muck around. 

It’s a bit of rough ground actually getting up to the main hill but great views over to Mullardoch make the walk much easier. Once I hit the snow line, the temperature really dropped. The final climb up on the cracking summit feature was splendid, and the West to Mullardoch and Glen Strathfarrar were amaxing. At 1650, I didn’t hang around and began the descent back to the car. Uncomplicated and swift, I reached the car at 1800. A great wee hill and another one under the belt, with some decent fitness banked.