Phew! What a mouthful. After having finally managed to take in the summit of A-Ghlas Bheinn, then the Falls of Glomach, I drove up to Lochcarron and enjoyed some food and a wee half pint of the local ale. From there, I was heading to Inverness for the UHI Exam Board but I had business to attend to on this, one of the longest Corbetts (name-wise). By the time I started out, it was 3.15pm and warm, although there was a welcome breeze. I hadn't quite anticipated how much the earlier run had taken out of me and I could only manage a slow jog along the land rover track from Loch Glascarnoch. Eventually, I reached the end of the fence posts with the enclosed trees and had to start the ascent proper. I really struggled up this and once I lipped out on this first summit, I was discouraged to see a field of hags between me and the last climb up the stony summit.
Eventually, after an hour, I topped out and sat in the rounded summit area for 10 minutes, drinking the last of my water. The views were excellent from the Fannaichs to the Beinn Dearg group; although I was quite fatigued so possibly didn't enjoy them as much as I could have. Rather than trace my steps, I descended directly towards the car, then meandered through the copse of trees and back to the car. A 5 mile round trip that took 1 hour 40, with only 505m of ascent. But, very worthwhile wee Corbett all the same.
Friday, 15 June 2018
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