At last, the Christmas holiday period. It had been a long year and I had a couple of days up North planned. The forecast was pretty grim but there might be a wee weather window this afternoon. And so it proved. I enjoyed the very quiet drive up and pulled into the lay-by at 1130. Giving me a good 5 hours of light, I was running light. I followed the Land Rover track into the Glen, with many vans/4x4s driving down from the reservoir. A few nods. By the time I got to the bend in the road, the weather had closed in and it started to snow.
I headed up a track of sorts, stopped to add the waterproof trousers and gloves then began the serious yomp to the summit. The wind and snow was really hitting me hard now but I continued onwards until I reached the two lochains. From here, it was a final climb to the summit cairn. No view and no time for hanging about as it was pretty tough conditions. I took a reading to get off the summit and head for another track West. It was a good and easy descent, with no issues. From here, I decided to follow a track rather than take the LR track back. Wasn’t an easy path as it was pretty waterlogged but got me back to the main track an hour later.
From here, an easy run back to the car in 3.5 hours for 18.5km distance (718m ascent). Great to be out and an enjoyable day, relishing the elements.